>< b< >
b : bBusiness series rack Formula
< b
b: b port
< bB+/
b: b mixed connection
< b
b: b,
< b
b: b and button switching can be cascaded, the control terminal
< bB<
r ><< b
r > < b< >
b : bBusiness Series Rack Mount
< b
b : b port
< bB+/
b: b hybrid
< b
b: b,
< b
b: b and button switching are available Connection, control terminal
< bB<
r ><< b
r >< b< >
b: bBusiness series rack type
< b
b: b port
< bB+/
b: b hybrid
< b
b: b,
< b
b: b and button switching can be cascaded, the control terminal
< bB<
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